Babies, Cake, Coffee, and Games

May 12, 2021

As we, as a society start to move out of lockdown, we’re very aware that we will be feeling the impact for many years to come. Many of those are obvious (losing loved-ones, pubs, holidays, jobs).  Many will be slightly less obvious, or at least less newsworthy.


That’s certainly the case for our new parents, who have been deprived of the bonding and support that can normally happen by meeting each other in relaxed informal settings.


We were lucky that our daughter hit 18 during lockdown. When Faith was a baby, going out and meeting other parents was an absolute lifeline for us and for helping her to learn to socialise. We understand that meeting other parents is not only important for the babies but also for the mental health of the parents too.


To try to help with this, we will be offering a Baby Gamer deal from 11am – 1pm every weekday. Parents (with under 2yo) can get a hot drink, slice of cake or tray bake and games  for £5. This is going to be very informal, no sign up, simply turn up and chat and/or play.


For those with slightly older kids, we have added a range of lovely Haba games suitable for 2 years plus to the library.


We will be introducing this offer from Tuesday 18th May, and some local parents have said they are planning to visit Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th, so these might be good days to hang out and meet other parents.


All social distancing rules will still apply, so we may need to divide tables to no more than 6 adults if we have lots attending.

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