Star Wars: Unlimited Casual 'Twin Suns' Wednesday 12th of February 7PM

Star Wars: Unlimited is a fast-paced, dynamic game that is both easy to learn and strategically deep. This game features iconic heroes, villains, ships, and settings from all facets of the legendary Star Wars franchise, including movies, TV series, comics, video games, and everything in between.

Join us for our weekly organised play for this exciting new Star Wars TCG. We will be running some casual gaming as we all learn the game together, feel free to turn up with whatever deck you want to try (or even borrow the Cafe's starter decks). If enough players attend we may even do a mini tournament! We have Organised Play rewards to give out on the day!

This week we'll be trying out the Twin Suns multiplayer format, please see the official website for deckbuilding instructions

Please arrive by 6:45 for a 7pm start. 1 booster is included as part of this ticket.

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